Manual or “hand-operated” medical treatment first appeared during the nineteenth century and the driving force behind it was Andrew Taylor Still (1828-1917).

It takes into account the human being as a whole and aims to restore the balance that allows the body to remain healthy. In his autobiography, A. T. Still said, "I find in man a universe in miniature. I find matter, movement and spirit."

Its foundations are built on the following:

Each consultation is unique. The reason for the consultation flows directly from the patient’s history. The pain felt, whether chronic or acute, results from the accumulation in time and space of tensions of various origins (physical, emotional shock, poor lifestyle…).

The body is endowed with a high degree of perfection that gives it opportunities for self-regulation, self-defense and self-healing. It has all the resources in it to promote health and re-balance the disease.

Life is the movement. The functioning of the body is characterized by the good mobility of the joint, muscular, circulatory and tissue systems. There is a constant and reciprocal exchange of information and materials at the physical, chemical and biological levels.

The rule of the artery is queen. A. T. Still compared the man to a "field". It is the deterioration of the ground (tissues) that is responsible for the disease. Indeed, if the river, source of water and nutrients (arteries, nerves) is hindered, plants (cells) cannot flourish.
Conversely, if the drainage routes (veins, lymphs) are interrupted, the waste accumulates thus creating a soil open to diseases.

The goal of the osteopath is then to remove these obstacles and restore communication.




The most common ailments today are lower back pain and cervical or neck pain. As our body now evolves in a more sedentary and stressful way of life, it sometimes cannot adapt and this creates pain.

You will find below a non-exhaustive list of fields of osteopathy application.




Our little ones, even if they have just been born, can feel tensions or limitations of mobility that can induce discomfort and different symptoms.

The earliest ones are for sucking and breastfeeding.
A non-physiological delivery (provocation, cesarean section, use of instrumentation such as suction cup and forceps, etc.) can lead to problems of sucking, making breastfeeding difficult (non-harmonious sucking movement, limitation of mouth opening, etc.) or painful (crevices, etc.).

This is followed by preferential rotations that may induce head asymmetry.
Crying, colic, regurgitation and reflux are common ailments that can also be improved by osteopathy.

Pregnant Women


Pregnancy is a physiological adventure…

From how many weeks to consult? If it is your first pregnancy, we will refrain from any manipulation of the pelvis during the first three months. Although it has never been shown that a treatment can be harmful but in the interest of ethics, we prefer to avoid it.
We can, however, relieve many of the ailments in the rest of the body right from the beginning of pregnancy.

We will accompany you in this adventure from the beginning to the end… By reducing your tension and pain, working on your mobility it will allow your baby to develop optimally and in the most comfortable space possible.

Children and adolescents


Children can benefit from osteopathic treatment or follow-up for many reasons like growing pains, heavy falls, sprains and fractures or also in preparation and then in parallel with orthodontic treatment.

Do not hesitate to ask us if your child’s complaint falls within the above scope of osteopathy.

For adolescents, it is important to consult, especially after large peaks of growth to detect as soon as possible, a possible asymmetry of the spine which may induce scoliosis.
For young women in the making, we can also help with painful periods or urinary tract infections.



A body with a long history behind it….various forms of pain can arise due to the degeneration of the joints, falls, trauma or operations.

It’s never too late to help you stay healthy!



Osteopathy is also aimed at athletes, even at the highest level.
It allows them to restore the mobility and functionality following trauma (sprains, fractures, operations), a better convalescence and can also allow an improvement in skills following a bio-mechanical re-balancing.

Different specific techniques can be used, such as trigger points, kinesiotape, connective tissue massage, etc.